Pay Per Click Case study- Leading Furniture Brand

Google PPC Marketing Case Study:

A strong online presence is essential for business growth in this era of cutthroat competition. Strategies of both organic and paid marketing are essential for online presence. That is what was missing in the case of Leading Furniture in CANADA and the US stores.
Due to the lack of a well-managed online presence, the client could not make the optimum use of the opportunities available. Nettyfy Technologies, a leading Digital Marketing Company prepared a robust Google Paid Marketing strategy to increase client’s online presence.
Creating different types of campaigns like Search, Display, Video and Local promotion by the expert of Nettyfy Technologies delivered highly encouraging results within a short span. Again, in a limited time period, our client got maximum ROI with our successful paid campaigns.

PPC Campaigns That Generate More Traffic, More Clicks to Website and Increase Revenue

We have expertise in creating Google PPC Campaigns to help your business generate more Traffic, Conversions and Revenue. Our PPC Experts help you to decrease your CPC, cost/conv. and help you to improve your Ad rank and overall quality score.


We have created a Total of 97 campaigns, 613 Ad groups, and 1901 Ads for CANADA furniture stores and 35 campaigns, 130 Ad groups, 661 Ads for USA furniture stores.

Impression Growth

We got 1517% growth in Impressions for CANADA within the time span of 5 months.

We got 61% growth in Impressions for the USA within the time span of 5 months.

Improved Conversions

We got 240% more conversion than expected for CANADA within the time span of 5 months.

We got 114% more conversion than expected for the USA within the time span of 5 months.

Refer to the image which includes total campaign performance for the month of February - 2021 (Leading Furniture - CANADA).

Increased Total Number of Clicks

We got 153% more clicks than expected for CANADA within the time span of 5 months.

We got 100% more clicks than expected for the USA within the time span of 5 months.

Decrease Cost/Conv

We decreased Cost/Conv. By 59% for CANADA stores (From CA$6.45 to CA$2.69, Decrease more than double) within the time span of 5 months.

We decreased Cost/Conv. By 13% (It decreases 43% in the last month. We add new stores in Feb so it increases cost/conv. for this month)(From CA$11.39 to CA$9.89) within the time span of 5 months.

Refer the below image which includes total campaign performance for the month of February - 2021 (Leading Freight - USA).

Leading Furniture is a leading furniture chain in CANADA and also present as Leading furniture Freight in the USA.
Leading Furniture sells high-quality furniture at the lowest price. They are providing weekly and promotional deals to their clients at warehouse prices and 100% free layaway.
There are a total of 33 stores in CANADA and 11 stores in the USA and we are handling all the paid campaigns for all these.
The client doesn’t optimize campaigns properly.
They are running only search Ads and do not categorize campaigns.
They do not get acceptable results in terms of ROI, Impressions, Clicks, and Conversions……
Need to create different types of campaigns to get the maximum advantage of Google Ads.
They have a high cost/conv. Which is very high as per industry standard.
To get Maximum ROI.
Increase conversions and sales and decrease cost/conv.
Created more different types of campaigns to get more engagement.
Proper keyword research, Location targeting, and Ads optimization.
Improve Quality Score and Ad rank.


You can also check our review for PPC on Clutch.