SEO or Search Engine Optimization is an important aspect of Digital Marketing. As a Best Digital Marketing Company in USA, we recommended to know Top SEO Trends 2021 which will help you to rank your website high in search engine. SEO is the art and science of improving the search engine ranks of websites or webpages for search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. As internet searches is one of the main ways by which people discover content online, higher ranks in the Search Engine result Pages (SERPs) can lead to the increase in traffic of a website and improve your business conversion and sales.

While most digital marketing companies have a complete understanding of all the main SEO trends of every year, here is a list of SEO trends 2021 that will help you exploit the digital landscape and improve your business:

1. Artificial Intelligence In SEO


Artificial Intelligence is an advanced piece of technology that can be incorporated into almost anything to provide independent functionalities. Incorporating artificial intelligence in search engine optimization improves the chances of a better SERP rank for your website. An Artificial Intelligence incorporation allows you to find the most relevant keywords for your website content and also help you optimize the technicalities of your website. It helps you with better and faster codes while providing in-depth data analysis and spots trending topics for you to use in your SEO efforts.

2. E-A-T Factors To Play A Big Role

E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness. In 2020, Google confirmed the release of a broad core algorithm that ranks content according to these three factors. Although these scores will not affect the search engine rankings, it is used to develop and hone the algorithm for better SEO trends 2021. The Google Quality Rater Guidelines are used by humans to assign quality scored for the queries presented in a website. The rank depends on the use of keywords and the quality and engagement of the content provided in your website.

3. Local Search Makes More Impact

Local Searches is one of the best way to improve your brick-and-mortar-store business. As most people look for your shop online for directions or services, it is best to invest in Local Search Engine Optimization to improve your local visibility. Almost 75% of all local searches end up in offline business conversions and is a growing practice for most offline stores with an online presence.

4. Mobile-Friendliness Will Impact Search Rankings

Mobile ranking

With the change in technology and advancement in access points, more and more people have started accessing the internet from mobile devices. While there are a bunch of people who still use the internet on their desktops or laptops, mobile users provide your business with 60% of all the traffic. Making your website mobile friendly with responsive designs or progressive web applications is one of the primary SEO tactics that will be used in 2021. SEO experts suggest that a mobile-first approach to website design and development will ensure better SERP rankings for the website.

5. LSI Keywords Will Be Key

LSI Keywords means Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords are terms that are, by definition, related to the main keyword you are using. It helps to improve ranking, provide better search experience for users, Improve browser time and overall quality of content. It also help search engine to clearly understand the content topic and better to serve users.

6. Quality And Long-Form Content Will Help Improve SERPs

The quality of a content is directly related to its ranking in the Search Engine Results Page. Besides quality, long-form contents have better SEO functionalities compared to short contents. The quality and length of the content assures the credibility of your website helping it move up in the SERP ranks. When creating content for website or blogs, ensure that you have the proper use of the keywords, backlinks, and structure for the best ranks in the search engine results page.

8. Zero-Click Searches Will Continue To Rise

Zero-click searches allow you to solve your query on the results page itself without having to click on any website. While other sites might not always provide zero-click searches, Google can extract the value by displaying ads or its own products improving your website SEO and SERP ranks. The best way to optimize your website and content for zero-click searches it to provide individual content in your website that can be used by google in their search engine portions. If not optimized properly, zero-click searches will eventually make you lose traffic for your website.

9. Play With Long-Tail Keywords

Focusing on long-tail keywords is a great SEO tactic. Long-tail keywords are keywords or key phrases that are more specific – and usually longer – than more commonly used keywords. Long-tail keywords get less search traffic, but will usually have a higher conversion value, as they are more specific. They allow you to gradually get more traffic to your site and be found by new and motivated audiences.

10. Voice Search Optimization


Voice Search optimization refers to the process of optimizing your page content for verbal searches. When you optimize for voice searches, you prepare your website for an entirely new area of search engine results that many websites have not taken up yet. Voice search optimization allows you less competition and better audience for higer business conversions.

11. Priority Of Data And Analytics for better Rankings

If you have been investing in digital marketing and SEO for a while now, you would have probably understood the importance of data and analytics. The data and analytics help you understand your ongoing strategies and provide an overview of all the efforts you put into and how they are moving you towards success. Moreover, it also allows you to fill the gaps in your efforts and optimize your strategies for better results and higher website traffic.

12. Featured Snippets Will Become More Prominent

A features snippet is serve quicker answer to searchers. It gives a chance for low-ranking pages to get to the top of search results with almost zero effort. It represents an additional SERP feature that can help you secure your position in the results page. Located at the very top of every results page, a featured snippet offers better visibility for users and help you grow your brand recognition. The process ensures that your website has an improved click-through rate, better website trafifc and better sales conversions.


Search Engine Optimization will provide you with a plethora of advantages when it comes to giving your business some enhanced digital exposure. To ensure that you derive the best results from your SEO campaign, it is best that you know the latest SEO trends 2021 at the beginning of every year.